Today's Top 5 Trending

Study Finds Elevated Carbon Dioxide Impairs Human Brain Function

In a landmark public health finding, a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health finds that carbon dioxide has a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making. These impacts have been observed at CO2 levels that most Americans — and their children — are routinely exposed to today inside classrooms, offices, homes, planes, and cars. -- Climate Progress

As Gulf of Maine Warms, Puffins Recast as Canaries in Coal Mine

Since 2004 the Gulf of Maine has warmed faster than anyplace else on the planet save an area northeast of Japan, and climate models suggest 2012-like conditions will become the new normal by the 2050s, with dramatic implications for life in Maine, on land as well as at sea. Scientists say the most catastrophic outcome would be a collapse in the foundations of the marine food web that sustains not just the puffins and their prey but most other species, from endangered right whales to the haddock and cod that fishermen depend on. -- Portland Press Herald

Leaked Map Reveals Big Gas Eyeing One of Most Biodiverse Places on Earth

Manu National Park in Peru’s Amazon is targeted by Pluspetrol, according to map of planned geological fieldwork -- The Guardian

Processed Meats Cause Cancer, and Red Meat Probably Does, Too

Eating hot dogs, ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer, and eating red meat probably can cause cancer, the World Health Organization's cancer agency reported Monday. Dr. Kurt Straif, with the International Agency for Cancer Research, said the risk of developing colorectal cancer from eating processed meat remains small but rises with the amount consumed. Consuming red meat was linked to colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer, but the link was not as strong, the IARC report said. -- USA Today

Climate Change a Major Threat to Children's Health, Doctors Warn

Climate change poses a rising global public health and safety threat, and children are particularly vulnerable, the American Academy of Pediatrics says in a new policy statement. The group is urging pediatricians and politicians to work together to solve the crisis and protect children from the immediate and long-term health consequences of climate change. -- CBS News