Today's Top 5 Trending

"In the Future, the Best Chemistry Practices Will Be Green"

Gathering for a summit on green chemicals, industry leaders and academics discussed how to solve the problems that threaten to stall 20 years of good intentions. -- The Guardian

"Warming Oceans Put Marine Life 'In a Blender'"

Global warming is going to reshuffle ocean ecosystems on a scale not seen for millions of years. Marine biologists can’t yet say what these new habitats are going to be like. -- The New York Times

"Green, Civil Rights Groups Team Up on Ozone Rule"

The Obama administration is currently reviewing a final rule to set strict new standards for ozone pollution, and it’s expected to announce the new limits this fall. The NAACP and groups like the Sierra Club and Earthjustice are sponsoring ads this week highlighting the rule as especially important for black Americans, who are much more susceptible to adverse health effects caused by ozone because their communities are frequently in areas where smog pollution is worse than even the current standards. -- The Hill

"EU Diplomats Reveal Dam Project's Devastating Impact on Remote Ethiopian Tribes"

Lives of semi-nomadic tribespeople are being irreversibly changed by relocation into poorly planned settlements to make way for sugar plantation, says released report. -- The Guardian

"More Evidence Suggests Key to Allergy-Free Kids is Plenty of Dirt--And Cows"

New research provides more evidence that farms may have the best germs for preventing respiratory problems and allergic reactions later in life. -- Washington Post