Climate justice

Today's Top 5

Somalia says 110 Dead In Past 48 Hours Due to Drought

Some 110 people have died in southern Somalia in the last two days from famine and diarrhea resulting from a drought, the prime minister said on Saturday, as the area braces itself for widespread shortages of food. In February, United Nations children's agency UNICEF said the drought in Somalia could lead to up to 270,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition this year. - Reuters

Extreme Heat Wave Days Already Hitting Poor Countries More Than Rich

Using World Bank wealth definitions and targeting the number of days and nights that fell in the top 10 per cent of temperatures for any date, researchers found extreme heat readings have increased much faster in low-income nations than richer ones since at least the 1980s. "We expected it to be a lot worse since the [low-income] countries are near the equator but the difference of more than double is quite shocking." - Sydney Morning Herald

How Disappearing Sea Ice Has Put Arctic Ecosystems Under Threat

In a few days the Arctic’s beleaguered sea ice cover is likely to set another grim record. Its coverage is on course to be the lowest winter maximum extent ever observed since satellite records began. These show that more than 2 million square kilometres of midwinter sea ice have disappeared from the Arctic in less than 40 years. The ice’s disappearance – triggered by global warming caused by rising carbon emissions from cars and factories – is likely to have profound implications for the planet. A loss of sea ice means a loss of reflectivity of solar rays and further rises in global temperatures, warn researchers. But there are other pressing concerns, they add. - The Guardian

Food Waste: The Simplest Way to Improve The World's Food Systems Requires No New Science

It is quite depressing to learn that, currently, a third of our food goes to loss and waste, but upon closer inspection there are considerable grounds for hope. Unlike the case with raising crop yields, there is plenty of room to reduce food loss and waste through the broader dissemination and employment of existing technology. - Quartz

Honduran Environmental Activist Berta Cáceres' Suspected Killers Received U.S. Military Training

Eight men have been arrested as suspects in Cáceres’s killing one year ago — including one active army major and two retired military members. Two of these suspects reportedly received military training in the United States. - Democracy Now!